New Directions. New Ideas.

Hi again! 2 posts today....Can you believe it? 

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my art, my business, and the direction I want to take things.  I'm sensing an evolution and I want to share it with you!

My favorite part of the day lately is working on my "Month of the Moleskine" project. I just adore the looseness of these works. I don't have to do much planning, but just go for it with pen in hand.  Best of all, I really like the way most of these sketchbook drawings turn out. 

So here's the new idea.....

I'd like to turn these drawings into saleable products, that I could work into both my Etsy shoppe and art fair inventory. I would complete these drawings on loose paper that could then be framed or mounted on panels (like shown here). Size-wise, I would keep them small to begin - say 4"x6" - comparable to the pages of my Moleskine.  Unframed/unmounted original drawings would start at under $50.00. 

Here's where you come in...I need your feedback friends!
  • Does this new direction interest you? 
  • Would you purchase an original abstract drawing? 
  • Does the size and price point seem right? 
  • Would you prefer the drawings unmounted or mounted and ready to hang? 
Your feedback would be so greatly appreciated! Feel free to leave comments here or email me directly. I can't wait to hear what you have to say!

Ta-ta for now.

Month of the Moleskine - Day 10


Month of the Moleskine - Day 9